Online Training Courses
Retail DNA™
Enter the fascinating world of Retail DNA™ - an up close online training series that focuses on retail performance and the DNA behind key retail metrics.
Retail DNA™ is offered online in 10 lessons, with a 36-page workbook, videos, an app, templates, toolkits, and mental gym sessions to support you in your learning journey.
Dealing with discount requests
Do your customers ask for discounts? How do you balance the need for the sale, the retention of margin, the potential loss of a customer and the need to manage expectation? It’s not as simple as it may seem…as you probably well know! This short course is designed to help you answer these questions, and includes access to the ieRetail Discounting Tool.
Downloadable Tools
Product Pilots
Built for vendors, Product Pilots is our easy-to-use tool for assessing, scoring and syncing your NPD with your retail customers’ key requirements.
Using our four Pilots - the Financial, the Category, the Logistics and the Shopper Pilots - you’ll be able to predict the likelihood of landing your NPD before you get to the customer.
The Space Puppet
Our tool for capturing, visualising and exploring the data necessary to complete a relay or layout of your store, category or department. The Space Puppet will assist you in finding relationships between variables like sales, margin, density, inventory, customer, brand and efficiency, so you can make the best possible decisions with your space.