Retail Simulations
Using gamification and simulations to provide truly experiential retail immersion and training.
Retail simulations provide a risk-free approach to training your retail staff, or suppliers sales teams. Typically, once trained, staff are put into the retail environment and expected to perform, often with mixed results. With our retail simulations, we use gamification techniques to provide truly experiential retail training, that allows your team - be they retailers or suppliers - to put everything they’ve learned through our retail training and retail optimisation programs to the test.
Retail simulations provide the bridge between retail optimisation and retail training, allowing us to test, review and improve the connection between your processes and systems and your people and their specific retail related skills.
Our ShopX® simulation provides real world examples where your retail team can put their training to the test without risk to your business. We can then further refine their training if needed, or use the simulation as a refresher program to ensure their high levels of professionalism are maintained.
Discover ShopX® our retail simulation training program
We have also created bespoke versions of the ShopX® simulation, tailoring to specific supplier, vendor or retail needs.
StoreRunner, is an adapted version which focuses on the specific training needs of FMCG clients, while StoreMaster, has been created to meet the training requirements of DIY clients. Our simulations are well established in Africa, Australasia, Europe, the UK and the USA
To discover more about our retail simulations, get in touch with one of the ieRetail team.
Access the best in retail simulation experiences with our global network
Use of the ShopX Simulator tools can be facilitated locally through these local licensees: