Dealing with Discount Requests in a Retail Store

Dealing with Discount Requests in a Retail Store


Currency is in NZD and price includes GST.

If you work in retail, then you’ll possibly be familiar with receiving discount requests from your customers. How do you balance the need for the sale, the retention of margin, the potential loss of a customer and the need to manage expectation? It’s not as simple as it may seem…as you probably well know!

So what are the effects, direct and unintended, of giving these discounts to your customers?

In our short online course, Dealing with Discount Requests in a Retail Store, we’ll help you answer two key questions:

  • What are the impacts of discounts on your gross and nett margin, and P&L?

  • What kinds of behaviours are you encouraging in your customers when you give discounts?

Dealing with Discount Requests in a Retail Store also comes with access to the ieRetail Discounting Tool, a useful way to show your staff exactly what happens to the bottom line when a discount is added to a product.


Within 48 hours of purchasing Dealing with Discount Requests in a Retail Store you will receive a login to the online learning platform we use, Intuto. You will need to sign in to Intuto using the details provided in the email to access the Discount Requests in a Retail Store course.

You will have 30 days to access and complete the Discount Requests in a Retail Store course.

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